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The submission deadline for abstracts is 30th October 2022

All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and abstract submitters will be notified of the result by email until the 30th of November. If you are an author and haven’t heard from the committee by the indicated date, please contact us. More information regarding poster format and oral presentation time will be also sent by email. 


The text of the abstract (including acknowledgements/financial support) should be written in English and not exceed 1750 characters (without spaces) exclusive of title, author block and references [1]. 

The abstract should follow the layout: text in Calibri, size 11; 1.5 spaced; margins of 2.5 cm in all sides. 

References and any acknowledgements/financial support: at the end of the abstract.


[1] A.B. Author1, C.D. Author2, Name of the Journal 12, 365-380 (2011). 


The abstract should be submitted as an attachment using the registration link.

The file name should be: yourlastname_AWB2022


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